Winter Park Counseling Services

Personalized Winter Park Counseling & Coaching

Experience professional counseling and coaching at Constantly Healthy. Our dedicated team is here to support your unique well-being journey, offering personalized therapy and innovative techniques with a focus on your goals.

Individual Counseling

Individual Counseling

Discover transformative individual counseling addressing trauma, grief, and relationship enhancement. Our program combines coaching and a structured wellness plan, guiding you toward self-fulfillment. Our experienced counselors use diverse holistic therapies, including the Gottman method and cognitive behavior therapy, fostering positive change.

Couples Counseling

Explore proactive solutions for common relationship challenges. Whether you’re constantly fighting, considering marriage, recovering from infidelity, or facing major life changes, our couple’s counseling offers guidance. Utilizing Gottman relationship techniques, we strengthen communication skills and enhance relationships.

Couples Counseling 
Premarital Counseling

Premarital Counseling

This proactive approach covers vital topics like finances, communication, beliefs, and family dynamics, creating a stable foundation. Through open discussions, partners enhance communication, set realistic expectations, and develop conflict-resolution skills. Premarital counseling instills a positive attitude towards seeking future help, ensuring marital resilience.

Teenage Counseling

Teens may require professional counseling for various issues such as behavior problems, emotional struggles, substance abuse, stress, and traumatic experiences.

Look out for signs like changes in eating or sleeping habits, destructive behaviors, extreme sadness or worry, behavioral issues, social isolation, regression, increased physical complaints, or frequent discussions about death. Seeking help promptly is crucial to prevent worsening problems.

Teenage Counseling
Child Counseling

Child Counseling

Child counseling is vital for understanding and addressing emotional or mental distress in children facing various psychological and emotional traumas.

To identify if your child may benefit, watch for signs like changes in habits, destructive behaviors, extreme feelings of sadness or worry, behavioral issues, social isolation, regression, increased physical complaints, or frequent discussions about death.

EMDR & Trauma Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy method targeting distressing memories. It theorizes that psychological difficulties arise from improperly stored traumatic memories, overwhelming the hippocampus and causing recurring distress.

Effective for PTSD, EMDR is endorsed by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), and while its effectiveness for other conditions is less certain, it may be beneficial for trauma or distressing memories.

EMDR & Trauma Therapy
Life Coaching

Life Coaching

Seeking guidance to overcome limiting beliefs and obstacles hindering your goals and fulfillment? If you don’t require therapy but need assistance in specific areas, our tailored life coaching program is designed for you.

Our experienced team of counselors and coaches offers a unique experience, focusing on the present, guiding you to break barriers, develop a plan, and achieve your goals for a constantly healthy lifestyle.

Parent Coaching

Parents may think meeting basic needs suffices for a child’s confidence, leaving emotional challenges for independence. Emotion Coaching research disagrees. Creating self-confident kids involves consistent emotional connection.

Children need love, guidance, and safety at every age. Parents must understand emotional intelligence, acknowledge and respond to feelings, express empathy, and collaboratively set limits and solve problems.

Parent Coaching
Bringing Baby Home Counseling

Bringing Baby Home Counseling

Parenthood strains relationships due to sleep deprivation, housework, and financial stress. 67% of new parents experience conflict.

Our research-based Bringing Baby Home workshops, influenced by Dr. Gottman’s findings, equip couples for parenthood. In a supportive environment, parents learn to strengthen their relationship, enhance parenting teamwork, and foster their baby’s development during this challenging time.

Our Online Counseling Services

Expert Help, Wherever You Are

Our online counseling and coaching services provide support when you need it most. Access your therapist or coach from the comfort of your home, on the go, or in conjunction with in-office sessions.

Contact us for a free 15-minute consultation to see if our counseling can help you.

Our Online Counseling Services

Your Personalized Wellness Journey Awaits

Now that you’ve concluded your exploration of our services, reach out to embark on a personalized journey of self-discovery and growth. Our compassionate methods guarantee unique support, tailored for enduring well-being.

Schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation or call us to connect and discuss the most suitable path for you.

Wellness Journey